Monthly Archives: December 2015

Dr. Stanley Biber And Trinidad, Colorado

Trinidad MainStreet

There are a few places we all know, and Trinidad, Colorado is one of them. For decades when a person wanted to make the transition to the opposite sex with guidance and professional assistance, Trinidad was the place to go.

This small town in southern Colorado has claimed the title of the Sex Change Capital of the World for over three decades. Not exactly a number one tourist destination, although it’s a pleasant enough environment, Trinidad may not necessarily be a place that one would consider their dream vacation spot.

With all the necessary local amenities such as Trinidad Roofers, Denver Caterers or Aurora Towing Services to support your every need, if you wanted to discreetly follow the dream of becoming who you really are, then you’re in the right place. More than 10,000 sexual-reassignment operations have been performed in the small local hospital there.

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Two Of Talking Tranny’s Favorite Beauty Pageants

TG Beauty Contestants

With 2015 coming to a close it’s fun to look back on some of the events that highlighted our society. We’ve come a long way over the past 10 years and we’re about to add another year. More people are coming into their own – they’re owning it in big beautiful statements like never before. Beauty Contest and Pageants are becoming an integral part of our camaraderie. Here are two of my favorite celebrations.

The Miss International Queen beauty pageant held this year in Pattaya City, Thailand was a huge score. Twenty seven beautiful contestants from seventeen countries made an appearance. The limousines were lined up the block for the 11th annual Miss International Queen competition. The grand ballroom was setup like a wedding catering to the most beautiful women in the world. We come into our own when we can participate with a Tranny beauty pageant. It’s a time to celebrate our outer and inner beauty.

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A Review On Janet’s Closet

transvestite in redWe all want to look good for the Holidays. Some of us want to sparkle and glitter with the season, and then there are a few of us who want to go with an elegant understated look. I must admit though, understating is not my forte.

Where are the best buys for our particular needs? We want to have that WOW factor when we enter a room. Showing off our individual style is the goal. None of us want to look like everyone else at the party and feeling like we just worked a 24 hour shift for Hamilton Towing Company. We want to shine as our glorious, individual selves. This time of year gives us the chance to show our beautiful, handsome selves off. Knowing where to get the look is where its at.

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Denial, Our Greatest Foe


Some mornings the feeling of wanting to blend right in haunts me. It’s not that I want to lower my personal standard of who I know I am, it’s just that sometimes I desire the luxury limo service and dinner dates life has to offer, but over all I wouldn’t mind a simpler life. It’s a fine line between self betrayal and ‘eff ‘you! “You” being all the people who are unconscious to the struggles involved living in a society that is programmed to judge.

If I could step into a 3D printer and clone another me that was straight – I might try it, just to get a different take on the situation. It wouldn’t really be me, however just a cheap imitation, and one I doubt I could relate with for long. So I grapple, then come to peace. The peace comes quicker and more often these days, but I remember when I was a young person it was painfully elusive.

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