With so much in the news lately about the transgender world, we wanted to offer another place for insights and interpretations. We must be clear that we can’t all be lumped into a tidy category labeled simply; Transgender. We know we are so much more than a contemporary characterization. Through this blog site, myself and those around me who inspire me daily, will have the chance to be heard from their unique perspectives.
Thank you readers for your loyalty to a lifestyle that is becoming more acceptable daily, but that is still widely misunderstood by the masses. It is our hope that sharing the humanity of our lives will bring about a more compassionate compliance by others to a way of life that is not within an ordinary paradigm.
No one said that life was easy, but the challenges we as transgenders and transgender want to be’s face, make our community especially personal to those who belong. This blog site is designed for the voices of our exceptional society within the general society to speak. This site is not intended to just report on the serious and the latest coping method, but to bring in the brighter side of life with accomplishments and lighthearted stories. It’s a fun, great world to belong to and many of us feel blessed having been born into a fantastic ride of fate.
We cannot think of ourselves as “abnormal” when we just want to be who we know we truely are within, and it feels like more of a tragedy to suppress or deny the truth of our nature.
We welcome comments and criticisms – as long as they are not meant to be hurtful. This is a blog site to honor, respect and enjoy each other. We want to hear from you with stories or the latest news. So please, join us by leaving comments below the articles so we are able to hear your voice, too.
Most appreciatively,
Dana and the group at Talking Tranny